Saturday, 5 December 2009
Our boat warming pub party at the pub.

Turbo. Our latest aquisition
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
New hobby
la salle de bain
Look! a room!
chin up Watkins!
oh good god.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Nearly there...
and a bit more falls off...
What lies beneath!..
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
...add it to the bill!..
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
oh the decadence.
Cheers Pa!
What lies beneath....
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Now that's what i call a project. Every last wall, or if you want to be technical, bulkhead has been taken down, lights gone, bathroom gone along with most of our wordly possesions. Well there's no going back, or should that be up, along, no down a bit, just to the right now!
Now you see it, now you dont...
Tuesday, 12 May 2009

This is the view from the front door into the galley of the boat. There's Lukes lovely armchair, sheepskin rug, and a kitchen. We are able to cook, wash up and eat all from one stool, no leg work needed...lovely. Note Jo's lovely jim jams too!
We have nice wooden floor boards, but the cupboards are, in time, going to become a little less 'log cabin' and a little more 'french farmhouse'. We hope.
If you were to walk round Jo and through to the left you would come to the bathroom, and then the bedroom.

Here she is. This is the front of our boat. Kate is helpfully demonstrating the removable cratch cover (porch area to you land lovers). This cover can be removed in sunny weather to reveal a scenic 'terrace' area, complete with benches that fit about six people that are really good friends or four that aren't.
You will notice our small garden developing randomly on the bow (front pointy bit),this could also do with some attention,ahem.
Smashing and ripping.
The boat is due to have the following;
New ceiling. The current one is slightly sagging in places, bit worrying really...especially the bit over the bed. The new one's going to incorporate some lovely new insulation, kiss good bye to the 'orrible old rockwool (one of mans less pleasant inventions in my book)!
New lighting and a thorough re - wiring. We currently have wires in the shower (genius non)? And wires hanging out of areas where wires shouldnt be. The engine room wiring looks particulary sweet, more akin to a London tube map, the amazing thing is it all works(ish).
Big new water tank. The current one allows for approx 2 showers, 3 washings -up and that's about it. So every other day we are having to fill up the water tank , which is under the bed (genius again non)?
The new one will hold ALOT more water, which means less hassle for us. No having to tussle with tangled up hosepipes on cold dark nights, usually when you get home needing a hot shower, to discover there is no water left OR when the water runs out half way though a shower with shampoo in your hair. Now THAT is annoying! (Not for me, luke)
New Plumbing throughout. To make way for the spanking new water system and our shiny new bathroom (more of this in later posts).
New bedroom floor. The one we have is lovely, old floor boards but, has been damaged by diesel recently and like the ceiling is also sagging in places. Over the last six months it seems to have developed several trap doors and small compartments, oh how useful!
Electric sockets. Woo hoo! I know, i know, everyone calm down. Now when we say this we mean proper 240v sockets, like wot proper houses have. We will be able to charge phones, laptops, anything...we will join the 21st century basically.
That is the most basic of lists, just a little taster really, so you can see how far the wedding cheques are going. I know, we were very impressed too!